Hashnode Hackathon (2024)

Hashnode Hackathon (2024)

My first open source contribution


1 min read

Hello, fellow developers for the disclaimer this blog is not AI-generated ๐Ÿ˜…, I am Akash Srinivasan, and am excited to share my new hackathon project submitted for the Hashnode hackathon.

Demo Video

What I Learnt ??

I have learned about various things such as codegen, radix ui, tailwind merge, framer-motion's page transitions & many more & I really hated the process of debugging not gonna lie

Tech Stack Utilized:-

  1. Next.js (The Industry Standard Framework For React)

  2. SCSS & Tailwind (CSS Preprocessor & Library)

  3. framer-motion (GSAP's father for working in react)

  4. Swiper.js (The library who showoffs a lot of images using slideshow)

  5. Google translate API (Got the cracked version ๐Ÿ˜‚) using URL params in the real Google Translate website

  6. Datamuse API for synonyms (some FREE STUFF)

  7. Twak.js Package (some more FREE STUFF)

  8. Plus all the existing libraries utilized in the project


  1. Modern, Clean & Sleek UI/UX Principles with Smooth Animations

  2. Language Translation For The Blog

  3. In Built Dictionary

  4. Cool Page Transitions

  5. In Built Audio Book (Blog Reader)

  6. ChatBot

  7. In Built Quizzes at the end of the blog

  8. Code Previewer

#APIHackathon #opensource #OSS
